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Lenny Glavan

Professional Tattoo Artist

Ohio based artist for 16 years executing all forms of tattooing. Providing a personal tattoo design experience understanding that your design concept is unique to you. Just as you are to the world

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Lenny Glavan

Artist Profile

I began my professional artistic journey when I appeared in the tattoo scene circa 2007. Since then, Unlike many of my contemporaries, I am primarily self-taught and have my own- and definition of - art. I believe in constantly taking risks and believe that inspiration can be found wherever you look.  

   Im currently Tattooing along side Pain at his studio HARDKORE INK in Salem, OH.

 I've always been fascinated with creating things in art and in everyday life. For one to have a vision and or make someone's vision reality in any form has always been a passion of mine. When you paint or draw it's usually sitting in a old box somewhere under countless other ideas or hanging on a wall blending in with other cluttered wall decor. But to tattoo; it has a deeper purpose a d meaning...a meaning that I have yet to been able to centers me, in a way unlike any other medium humbles me to put someone's vision into life form and sometimes I even get lucky enough to brand them with my own! At the end of the day when the machines, pencils and erasers are put to rest for the night ...

             I'm a husband to a beautiful intelligent loving wife and father to 3 lovely little girly creatures we created . A good portion of my life was dedicated to construction where my creative mind was always alive designing and constructing. As I pounded many nails and created many many projects over the years, tattooing never left my mind morning noon and into crazy hours of the night. Now everyday, I get to do what I truly love with like minded people and get to spend time with the people I love most.....thank God, thank you and enjoy my friends.

Lenny Glavan



Tattoo Artist

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Inquiry form below please include the following

  1. Small description of your idea

  2. Black and grey or color

  3. Location on the body/approximate size

  4. If inquiring about cover us please supply a quality photo of tattoo to be covered (email)

  5. I'm currently booking 6- 8 months out

460 South Ellsworth Ave. SALEM, OHIO


Thanks for submitting!

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